Bermuda's Own: Why Supporting Local Product Development Matters How we see things We design medical products. Right here in Bermuda. It's a point of pride. We're not just distributors. We're innovators. We take the time to understand the specific needs of our isla...
Bermuda's Health: Smart Sourcing. Smart Design. We're doing things differently. We're not just moving boxes from a warehouse. We're designing the box, developingwhat goes inside, and ensuring it meets Bermuda's specific needs. Medical supplies. Our...
Top 10 Factors To Consider When Selecting An AED Ready to implement an AED program in your workplace? Zoll Medical offers the following 10 tips in a guest post. 1. VALUE Look beyond the price tag. Less-expensive AEDs may require more frequent mainte...
How to properly sterilize your surgical instruments Sterilization is a critically important process in medicine and surgery Instrument sterilization is notmerely a task. Rather, it is a comprehensive process, incorporating best practices in workflow, l...
Ozone CPAP Cleaners: Are They Putting You At Risk? CPAP machines are a lifeline for people with sleep apnea, but they require regular cleaning to prevent bacteria and mold buildup. In recent years, ozone CPAP cleaners have become a popular option, pro...
Vital signs monitors and spot monitors: what’s the difference? Understanding Patient Monitoring: Spot Monitors vs. Vital Signs Monitors Patient monitoring plays a crucial role in providing quality care across all medical specialties. From general practitioners to...
Automated External Defibrillators: Do You Need An AED? CLEAR! The doctor grabs the defibrillator paddles, rubs them together (more for the visual effect than for any medical reason) and yells “Clear!” He then placesthe paddles on a patient’s chest, delive...
How to protect your equipment from damage due to power instability The Importance of Power Protection and UPS for Medical Equipment in Bermuda In medical, veterinary, and dental clinics, reliable and functioning medical equipment is the backbone of patient care. Howe...
4 Key Advantages of Water-Based Clinical Chemistry Systems Compared With Dry Slide Systems There are numerous advantagesof water-based clinical chemistry systems over dry slide counterparts. Here are the 5 most importantones. 1. Lower cost Lower Cost per Test: water-based systemsuse liquid ...
Common Inaccurate Claims by Some Overseas Companies Long on promises, short on delivery When dealing with some overseas laboratory instrument providers, customers may encounter exaggerated or misleading claims, particularly concerning support, system i...
How To Choose A Hospital Bed For Home Care Nobody Expects to Need a Hospital Bed—But Sometimes, It's Necessary Llewellyn never thought he would end up in the hospital . Four weeks ago, while enjoying dinner, he suddenly felt chest tightness an...
6 important signs that an adult needs to start using absorbent products Managing Incontinence with Absorbent Products Incontinence, or the loss of bladder or bowel control, is a common issue, especially for older adults. However, it can also affect younger individuals due...