Q: Do you have a physical store / location?
A: Yes - we are located at 14 Cemetery Road, Pembroke HM 07. With our FREE* delivery service, we are also as close as your front door! The delivery is fast, free and island-wide. To become familiar with our products, you can read our detailed descriptions, view high-resolution images and watch product videos.
*With an order of $50 or more.
Q: Do you have everything in stock?
A: Most items on this website, and some that are not online yet, are in stock. We have been steadily building our inventory to minimize running out of stock, and continue to improve our inventory every day.
Q: Do you assemble/set up/fit/provide training on your equipment?
A: Yes, yes, yes and yes. All of the above is available and included in the price. For example, we will put together your beds and wheelchairs, set up your oxygen machines, fit you for a CPAP mask and train you to use everything you get from us.
Q: What if I need to place a custom or special order?
A: No problem! We can order almost anything you need- just ask.
Q: What if the item I purchased breaks or stops working?
A: If your item is still manufacturer's warranty, we will help you get the covered warranty repair or replacement. Otherwise, we will perform an off-warranty repair of your item.
Q: Can I return an item for a refund?
A: Please see our friendly and fair refund policy. Our return policy is the best in Bermuda and is at least 4 times longer than the other guys'! Judge for yourself: you can return a new and unused item in its original packaging within 30 days for a full refund or store credit - your choice.
Q: I want to place the same order every week/month/quarter. Do I have to find and select every product, size and quantity every time?
A: You can re-order any of the purchases that you have previously made. To do this, you will need to create an account when or before placing the order you would like to duplicate in the future. When reordering, log into your account, click on the number of the order you would like to make again, and click "Re-Order This Set" below the order summary.
Q: How often do you have free delivery to my location?
A: 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For urgently needed items that are in stock, we can deliver same day. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.
Q: Do your incontinence products help reduce skin breakdown and increase patient satisfaction?
A: Yes! Please have a look at this study.
Q: What is the best way to pay for products?
A: Credit card, bank deposit, check on delivery or COD. Using these payment methods will help us keep our prices as low as we can.