4 Key Advantages of Water-Based Clinical Chemistry Systems Compared With Dry Slide Systems

There are numerous advantages of water-based clinical chemistry systems over dry slide counterparts. Here are the 5 most important ones.

1. Lower cost

Lower Cost per Test: water-based systems use liquid reagents, which are often less expensive than the dry reagents used in dry slide systems. This can result in lower overall operational costs.

Lower cost of the instrument: water-based clinical chemistry systems usually have a lower upfront cost compared to dry slide systems. Dry slide analyzers tend to be more specialized, and their proprietary technology can drive up the price of the equipment. In contrast, water-based systems, which are more widely available and used in standard laboratories, are often more affordable in terms of initial capital investment.

2. Easier to use

Easier Maintenance and Reagent Handling: water-based systems often have automated cleaning and reagent handling processes, reducing manual intervention and maintenance needs compared to dry slide systems, which may require more frequent replacement and handling of slides.

Modern water-based systems come equipped with advanced software, intuitive touchscreen interfaces, and automated calibration and quality control processes, making them more user-friendly.

3. Greater capability

Flexibility in Test Menu: water-based systems offer a broader range of tests and greater flexibility to introduce new assays compared to dry slide systems, which may have a more limited menu due to the nature of dry reagent chemistry.

Greater Precision and Sensitivity: liquid reagents in water-based systems generally allow for more precise control of reaction conditions, leading to improved accuracy and sensitivity in test results. This is particularly beneficial for detecting low-concentration analytes.

4. Faster and more automated

Higher Throughput and Automation Compatibility: water-based systems are generally faster and more compatible with high-throughput automation setups, allowing for faster processing of large volumes of tests. Their design can integrate seamlessly into automated workflows, improving efficiency.

Bottom line

Multiple advantages of water-based clinical chemistry systems highlight their operational flexibility and performance benefits.

4 Key Advantages of Water-Based Clinical Chemistry Systems Compared With Dry Slide Systems
Mike Serebrennik November 17, 2024
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